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Year | Maker | Model | Set | Shaft | Price |
1978 | Hogan | Director | 3 | Hogan Legend | $25.00 |
Square toe, slight cambered sole design with shallow sandblasted cavity open to the top line. Cavity is scooped out more in heel area. Stamps: Toe - BH crest logo + Director. Cavity - Hogan.
1990 | Hogan | Apex | 4 | Hogan Apex 4 | $45.00 |
Classic profile with modestly square toe and sole that narrows from toe to heel. Knurled hosel. Center strip on back is sandblast grey. Stamps: Sole - Apex. Back - BH sunburst over GRIND next to Ben Hogan in script.
1954 | MacGregor | Tourney | 1 | Tourney True Temper | $40.00 |
Slightly longer blade than 1955 with deep V-shaped back pad. Trailing edge of sole is beveled. Stamps: Sole - MacGregor, Pat. No. 163961. V-back pad - winged MT logo. Back of toe - Tourney. Back of heel - Rec. + various model numbers - M85T, M85, M89T, M89, M75T, M75, M65 or M55.
1955 | MacGregor | Tourney | 4 | Tourney True Temper | $20.00 |
Traditional deep V-shaped back pad. Stamps: Sole - MacGregor. V-back pad - winged MT logo. Back of toe - Tourney. Back of heel - Rec. + various model numbers - M85T, M85, M89T, M89, M75T, M75, M65 or M55.
1969 | MacGregor | MT Split Level | 1 | Steel | $30.00 |
Square toed, compact head with 2-level sole design.Stamps: Back - MT Tourney with lines on either side and Chevron underneath. Top line toe - By MacGregor. Tip of sole stamps indicating model, shaft, and grip are: (For steel shafted models) TR1, TR1H, TR2, TR2H or TR9H. (For aluminum shafted models) TR1A, TR1AH, TR2A, TR2AH, TR3AH or LTRAH (for ladies'). Letters M and T frame the face.
1980 | Ping | Eye | 1 | Ping Steel | $45.00 |
Rounded toe design with full double cavity back. Slightly rounded sole and barrel hosel. Elliptical shaped color eye in center of the cavity. Stamps: Back of toe - Ping Eye.
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